TIDES: Island Essays

Contributions are very welcome to our TIDES series of short essays, notes and commentaries on, and of interest to, Scottish Island Studies. See below for a suggested template and recent examples.

Atlantic ocean and horizon: looking west from Uist.
Looking west from Uist, across the Atlantic. Credit: KA Burnett


Rosie Alexander “Young people and Scottish Island Migrations: A career perspective”

TIDES for 2021

Mike Danson Enterprising islanders?

Ray Burnett “Little Islands at the Edge of the Ocean”- Celebrating Colmcille 1500

Mairéad Nic Craith Creating an “Island Space” in the Land of Colmcille

Iain Caimbeul “Community agency, participation and local Gaelic development: research insights from two island Gaelic communities”.

An Open Invitation to Contribute to TIDES

Our ‘Short Essay ’ Template is to invite your to submit 1000-1500 words of short essay/comment to be uploaded to Scottish Centre for Island Studies website.

This invitation to contribute to TIDES includes the following options:

  • Focused ‘next steps/follow on’ comment on recent publication, activity or output.
  • Commentary on current Scottish island focus – research, events, policy, practice- forthcoming or ongoing.
  • Reflections looking back on previous Scottish islands related research, events or activities of your own or others worth a timely revisit.

Images (1-3) for inclusion would be welcome but please enclose or attach images resized for online and appropriately captioned (if possible with text descriptor for accessibility).  If you include visuals please ensure you have copyright clearance (provide caption note to this effect) and/or source from copyright cleared public domain e.g. Creative Commons.

Please include hyperlinks to recent research and island community activity where possible i.e.  your own and others with hyperlink in text and any further links at end (if appropriate) for people to follow up.

Please consider providing a short bibliography of min. 3-6 sources either linked to the short essay citations, and/ or as recommended further reading.

Please suggest a 1 sentence summary to  sub the ‘headline’  for blog post.

Please contact kathryn.burnett@uws.ac.uk  for further information.

Thank you for your interest in the Scottish Centre for Island Studies and we look forward to your contribution!